Welcome to cinhardt!

This website is currently under construction.

"TA Adventures Pt. 2" will not be updated until winter quarter. Lauryn's page and "Favorites" are currently works in progress.

About this website

In an attempt to learn html, javascript, and CSS during a boring summer, two university students (Cindy and Lauryn) decided to make a website and fiddle around with everything they knew and could learn about in regards to web design. They styled every page differently because CSS is cool and there are so many themes two people could think of, let alone one. Seeing how they're doing now, HTML is still a work in progress, there isn't much javascript around here, and CSS is always growing. Furthermore, Cindy and Lauryn made web pages for individual biographies and documentation of their experiences as teaching assistants for computer science labs at their university. See the links above for more info.

Thanks for visiting!

Cindy & Lauryn

How the girls met

Our first meeting
We are cool
We are even cooler
We are cute ♥

Freshmen are typically friendly people when they come to college, searching for peers to connect and study with. People share pain in math classes, and that was no exception in the class that Cindy and Lauryn had together. They exchanged greetings one day while both sitting in the front row and spoke from time to time in office hours. (Lauryn introduced herself twice.) They worked together on a math project involving a dead clown following a freak accident. The quarter afterward, Cindy hopped in on a math class that Lauryn was in and stayed with her. They suffered just the same, and then continued to have classes together the next academic year as well as lunches. Since then, they've been through thick and thin and text each other almost every day about random subjects.

Knowledge Is Power

Here's a brief (sort of chronological) list of all the things we managed to learn in CSS, HTML, and javascript. Most of them should be around this website somewhere!


