Some girls are like butterflies

Pretty to see... hard to catch ;)

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I'm quite the miraculous ladybug fan, as you can see!

About Cindy

  • computer science major with Spanish minor at SCU
  • enjoys every type of cheesecake
  • plays the violin and video games
  • loves to read and write

I didn't know a thing about coding until I did some web design on my own during freshman year of college, suddenly becoming fascinated with CSS. It's amazing to be able to get your ideas working and looking terrific to boot. I made the decision to change my major from political science to computer science, a huge difference but quite an interesting decision. Even if computer science is tons harder, it's also a lot more intriguing. Since then I took my first programming class, didn't do too poorly, and and never looked back. Despite switching from a reading/writing subject to a more technical one, I've remained immersed in the other fine arts I enjoy. The Spanish minor is something I squeezed in because I love foreign language and decided I had time for it. I've always had a passion for playing the violin and being in orchestra makes college life a lot better. And of course, learning how to program is a life-long task.

The Sorcerer's Wish

The summer after junior year, I decided to make a video for fun, realizing that I never actually learned how to do so. Here is my attempt on Windows Movie Maker. The story is one I wrote two years before on a whim.